Thursday, February 21, 2008

Visiting Artist: Carroll Dunham

Carroll Dunham, a painter whose work revolves around human sexuality, will be speaking about his work on Tuesday February 26 at 5:00 pm in Classroom I of the Art Building. His work can be quite explicit in its imagery. Stylistically his non-realistic images extrapolate the direct essence of intimate human interactions that have come to focus very explicitly on genitalia. The work is very direct and expressionist in its manner of execution and the drawing style reflected seems to be intentionally cartoon-like. His work appears to relate more to the world of underground comic books than to the work of the Abstract Expressionist Willem DeKooning. There is a childlike freshness to the work that contradicts the mature content His paintings tend to be very large and they are both visually and conceptually challenging.

This lecture is sponsored by the Ellen Johnson Fund and accompanies a show of Dunham’s prints that runs in the Allen Memorial Art Museum from February 5 to March 23.